Friday, November 24, 2006

Back to HK~

I'm back to HK~ It's sooooo good to see my mum, my dad, my brother, my little auntie, ... again!!
Cool~ Eat, Eat and Eat.
Amazingly, I didnt have jet lag and I was able to sleep for few hours. Sandra will be arriving this afternoon. Pray the Lord that she can have a safe flight!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

愛得太遲 what a meaningful song


填詞:林夕 編曲:雷頌德

我過去 那死黨 早晚共對

各也紮職以後 沒法暢聚
而終於相約到 但無言共對 疏淡如水

日夜做 見爸爸 剛好想呻
卻霎眼 看出他 多了皺紋
而他的蒼老感 是從來未覺 太內疚擔心

最心痛是 愛是太遲
有些心意 不可等某個日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙其實自私
夢中也習慣 有壓力要我得志

最可怕是 愛需要及時
只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
忙極亦放肆 見我愛見的相知

我也覺 我體質 彷似下降
看了症得到是 別要太忙
而影碟 都掃光 但從來未看 因有事趕

日夜做 儲的錢 都應該夠
到聖誕 正好講 跟我白頭
誰知她開了口 未能挨下去 已恨我很久

錯失太易 愛得太遲
我怎想到 她忍不到那日子
盲目地發奮 忙忙忙從來未知
幸福會掠過 再也沒法說鍾意

愛一個字 也需要及時
只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
為何未放肆 見我愛見的相知

這幾秒 能夠做到又有多少
未算少 足夠遺憾忘掉
多少抱憾 多少過路人
太懂估計 卻不懂愛錫自身
人人在發奮 想起他朝都興奮
但今晚未過 你要過也很吸引

縱不信運 你不過是人
理想很遠 愛於咫尺卻在等
來日別操心 趁你有能力開心

Monday, November 20, 2006

These days I've been struggling on the questions about how to love others better, how to treat others better, how to trust others better, how to..these seems to be really difficult questions..I didnt really get the answer until today's sunday school.
Well..I guess..These questions wouldnt have the answers if we dunno how to place the priority. If we dun truly understand the reason why we love, or more specifically, the reason why we can have that character to love, this is not the true love. Many times, we are just very self-centered and selfish. But what does 1 Cor Ch 13 tells us?

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Thursday, November 16, 2006





Psalm 23

耶 和 華 是 我 的 牧 者 . 我 必 不 至 缺 乏 。
他 使 我 躺 臥 在 青 草 地 上 、 領 我 在 可 安 歇 的 水 邊 。
他 使 我 的 靈 魂 甦 醒 、 為 自 己 的 名 引 導 我 走 義 路 。
我 雖 然 行 過 死 蔭 的 幽 谷 、 也 不 怕 遭 害 . 因 為 你 與 我 同 在 .
你 的 杖 、 你 的 竿 、 都 安 慰 我 。
在 我 敵 人 面 前 、 你 為 我 擺 設 筵 席 .
你 用 油 膏 了 我 的 頭 、 使 我 的 福 杯 滿 溢 。
我 一 生 一 世 必 有 恩 惠 慈 愛 隨 著 我 .
我 且 要 住 在 耶 和 華 的 殿 中 、 直 到 永 遠 。

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Big Surprise!

I went to Korean BBQ tonight. Yummy Yummy!

I checked my mailbox tonight! O..What a Big Big Big surprise.. I love it so much. Thx so much! Praise the Lord. He has already given me the best of the best. What else should I ask for?

Monday, November 13, 2006


Yeah! It's my birthday today! I've had a happy birthday. Thanks all of you!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Havent updated my blogger for a while. Nth really special happened to me last week. Again, I was busy with the works. I have to finish sth before my trip. (cant wait any longer. 15 days left!)

Boss came back yesterday and I presented the 'ricci flow' stuff to him. I didnt explain myself quite clearly at some point. That's my fault, coz I didnt have enough preparation. But thx God that, in general, he likes the idea and has given us some positive comment.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006



傳說人生 只不過是個夢:

茫茫人海 找一快樂美夢:

直到一天 我在塵世尋著你,
徬徨空虛 悄然消失遠飛;
與你偶遇 原是我畢生的福氣,

在那一天 我在塵世尋著你,
從前孤單 我從此不記起;


Monday, November 06, 2006

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." (James 3:13-18)

Friday, November 03, 2006

A busy week ... ...

It's a busy week. I'm just swarmed with works. Lots of deadlines are coming. Though I'm really maxed out at my work at some point, I enjoy the thingies that I m working on. The projects are getting more and more interesting to me. Awesome!
Yesterday was a long day for us too. The ONR officer came and visited. We had to give a "good show", as "commanded" by Tony. I didn't know it was an evaluation meeting until the meeting was about to begin. Tony didnt tell us beforehand. I guess he just didnt wanna give us too much pressure. I felt a bit nervous. But thx God that it was finally going okay. (and thx for ur prayer too!)
Weekend is coming but I dun feel like I can hang out this week. :) I guess I'd probably spend most of my time working on the projects.

Another nice song.

Sandra recommended me a nice song...

待我好到這種境界 面對每日責務龐貸
擔心我狀態 情緒會轉呔 

*待我好至最佳姿態 付出千般關心了解
千金也難買 能有你擁戴 

難過 當初不懂分你憂 
何以 聽到教訓總是轉頭 

#無變改 每刻千分關注百般寵愛 
能被你盛載 去把傷心掩蓋 
無放開 負擔千o頓責任沒有更改 
能讓我被愛 縱使辛酸感慨 
亦不捨得把我拋開 無悔被愛

repeat *#

其實我無奈過遺撼過 每天都彷彿跟你拔河
原諒我承受我曾做錯 我舊日是負了你太多

repeat #

沒有傷痛怎麼知道 每天躲於家中最好
今天領略到人太過苦惱 亦都想起昨日你的抱抱