Last night, Sze and I went to watch a Tanglewood concert by Boston Symphony Orchestra. The concert hall was located in Lenox (MA), a hundred miles away from Somerville. We drove for 3 hours to the concert hall (including taking rest of course). The drive was terrific since it rained so heavily on part of our way. It was especially scary when we were driving into a black cloud. We couldn't see anything coz the rain was so heavy and saw several lighting in between. Some cars even stopped, hoping for a better weather. We just kept going! Yea. How dare we are! We really have to thank God for the safe journey!
3 hours later, we were there at Tanglewood. We'd arrived an hour earlier. Tanglewood has a very charming scenery! Sze and I love this place a lot!
Since it was raining, we upgraded our tickets from lawn seats to indoor seats. Well. It could image it'll be a nice experience to sit on a big piece of lawn and listen to the great music, if the weather is nice. The concert hall was so nice. It was an open hall surrounded by lots of green trees. We were like dwelling ourselves in the nature while listening to the beautiful music. Or..enjoying the creation of God all in one!! "How great thou art!"(Beautiful scenery in Tanglewood)
(Nice concert Hall)
(Lawn seating..Picnic + music = Nice)
(The concert almost started!)
The concert started at 830pm. The 3 pieces performed were all great. It started with Haydn Symphony No. 88, followed by Mozart Piano Concerto No. 25 in C. And lastly it was Bethoven Symphony No. 1. I particularly love the Piano Concerto very much. (hehe..I've been listening to it over and over again today!)The concert ended at 10pm. We drove for another 3 hours back home. It was already 130am when we got back. It's worthy though! I love Tanglewood. It's really an experience you cannot miss if you are in the Boston area.
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