Saturday, July 28, 2007

I like these verses!

55:1 你 們 一 切 乾 渴 的 都 當 就 近 水 來 . 沒 有 銀 錢 的 也 可 以 來 . 你 們 都 來 、 買 了 喫 . 不 用 銀 錢 、 不 用 價 值 、 也 來 買 酒 和 奶 。
55:2 你 們為 何 花 錢 〔 原 文 作 平 銀 〕 買 那 不 足 為 食 物 的 、 用 勞 碌 得 來 的 買 那 不 使 人 飽 足 的 呢 .你 們 要 留 意 聽 我 的 話 、 就 能 喫 那 美 物 、 得 享 肥 甘 、 心 中 喜 樂 。
55:3 你 們 當 就 近 我 來 . 側 耳 而 聽 、 就 必 得 活 . 我 必 與 你 們 立 永 約 、 就 是 應 許 大 衛 那 可 靠 的 恩 典 。
55:4 我 已 立 他 作 萬 民 的 見 證 、 為 萬 民 的 君 王 和 司 令 。
55:5 你 素 不 認 識 的 國 民 、 你 也 必 召 來 . 素 不 認 識 你 的 國 民 、 也 必 向 你 奔 跑 、 都 因 耶 和 華 你 的   神 以 色 列 的 聖 者 . 因 為 他 已 經 榮 耀 你 。
55:6 當 趁 耶 和 華 可 尋 找 的 時 候 尋 找 他 、 相 近 的 時 候 求 告 他 .
55:7 惡 人 當 離 棄 自 己 的 道 路 . 不 義 的 人 當 除 掉 自 己 的 意 念 、 歸 向 耶 和 華 、 耶 和 華 就 必 憐 恤 他 . 當 歸 向 我 們 的   神 、 因 為   神 必 廣 行 赦 免 。
55:8 耶 和 華 說 、 我 的 意 念 、 非 同 你 們 的 意 念 、 我 的 道 路 、 非 同 你 們 的 道 路 。
55:9 天 怎 樣 高 過 地 、 照 樣 我 的 道 路 、 高 過 你 們 的 道 路 、 我 的 意 念 、 高 過 你 們 的 意 念 。
55:10 雨 雪 從 天 而 降 、 並 不 返 回 、 卻 滋 潤 地 土 、 使 地 上 發 芽 結 實 、 使 撒 種 的 有 種 、 使 要 喫 的 有 糧 .
55:11 我 口 所 出 的 話 、 也 必 如 此 、 決 不 徒 然 返 回 、 卻 要 成 就 我 所 喜 悅 的 、 在 我 發 他 去 成 就 的 事 上 〔 發 他 去 成 就 或 作 所 命 定 〕 必 然 亨 通 。
55:12 你 們 必 歡 歡 喜 喜 而 出 來 、 平 平 安 安 蒙 引 導 . 大 山 小 山 必 在 你 們 面 前 發 聲 歌 唱 . 田 野 的 樹 木 也 都 拍 掌 。
55:13 松 樹 長 出 代 替 荊 棘 . 番 石 榴 長 出 代 替 蒺 藜 . 這 要 為 耶 和 華 留 名 、 作 為 永 遠 的 證 據 、 不 能 剪 除 。

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My long weekend in Hong Kong...

Friday: I got back to Hong Kong at about 11am. Lunch with mum. We watched Harry Potter tonight. The movie was great. Special effect was awesome, especially we were watching in the 4D theater at the airport. Tho' it's a long journey to the airport, it worths!

Saturday: Shopping...Seafood dinner at Cheung Chau. Yummy Yummy!

Sunday: Church-- the message was good. Thanks God! Sandra came to have dinner with dad and mum. Sooooooooo relaxing today!!

Monday: Karaoke!! HK is such a small city. We met Tim at MongKok today! Hot Pot tonight..sooooo full!!

Tuesday: Stay with sandra at her school. She needs to work today. Flight back to Beijing in the evening. Vacation ended! So fast. Too fast!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


here in Beijing is quite boring. I hate it more as I live here longer. Beijing is unruly! It's chaotic! And there's NO rule at all! I got horned by cars when the traffic light is green! And today, cars were driving on the pedestrian road...

Teammates got frustrated with the project. Perhaps the problem is too difficult to tackle. I feel difficult to lead the team. Lord, please give me strength and wisdom to deal with it.

Got the office at the Morningside Maths Institute. It's more quiet there, because I have my own office. I'll try to work there more often.

Excited about the trip back to HK! Yeah. Very soon~

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

God's grace..

Yesterday was a wonderful day. Thanks God! We saw God's grace on us...

Because of the visa application, we've decided earlier that we should do the marriage registration next month. We wanna get started with the visa application earlier. This seems to be weird to us. But since we didn't know what exactly the problem was, we just sticked with the original plan...

These days I have been really struggling. I didn't know if it's the right thing. Praise the Lord! God is looking after us and He listened to my prayer. Yesterday we were about to go to the registration office to submit documents. But it was at the last moment when God let us know what we're planning to do was wrong. It's weird not because of the procedure. It's 'weird' because we didn't have enough faith in Him. Yeah. It might seem to be more 'difficult' to apply for visa if we do it later. But if it's His will, nothing can be difficult.

Yes. When problem arises, we might try to find our own ways to solve it. Many times we just plan by ourselves and walk apart from the Lord. Shall we follow our own? Or we should better give trust to our Lord and believe that He could handle everything for us? We finally decided to let Him be our Lord, our leader!

Yeah. Praise the Lord. We thank God, because He is taking care of our problems..He is looking after us.

"All the way the savior leads me what am I to ask beside?..."

Monday, July 09, 2007

Hong Kong...

I've just bought the ticket back to HK on 7/20 for 5 days (during the long weekend). So excited! Sandra is coming to Beijing on 7/29 too. We will be travelling around the city. YEAH~~


I was sick! I got a cold and cough. I was originally planning to travel around with teammates during the weekend. But it turned out that I had to stay at the hotel to take rest. :( Thanks God I'm feeling much much better today.

I went to church on Sunday. This church is so interesting that they only allow people with foreigner passport (BNO included) to enter. I met Irene there too! It's so great to see her again in Beijing!

Sunday evening we went to the food street in Beijing. So many different kind of good foods!!

Friday, July 06, 2007


I couldn't quite concentrate on my work today. I got a cough and so I took some medication. The medication made me feel sleepy and tired. I might better go back to the hotel and get some rest.

I talked to Prof. today. He doesn't want me to work on our research project at Microsoft. He will give me an office at his Maths. Institute to work during my spare time. I don't know how far it is from my Microsoft office. I hope it wouldn't be too far away, so that I could walk back and fro to work. Well..let's see..

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I don't like Beijing!

My fifth day in Beijing. My impression sucks! I hate Beijing! I don't wanna stay here. Everything are dirty! Everywhere are dirty (except the Microsoft office, to be fair). I couldn't understand why people can live here. Street smells. Foods are dirty and oily. Cooks deomonstrate their dirty cooking precedure in front of customers! People and cars cross the road without following the traffic light! name it!! Ridiculous!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

How's life here?

It's my fourth day in Beijing. I've already settled down. I've started my job too. I was so busy on the first two days of my job. So many meetings, 'lunch' and 'dinner'. Hopefully, life will be more relaxed later on. The living condition of the hotel was not good, but is acceptable. Poor me that I didn't have internet access in the hotel on the first day. Thanks God. I switched to another room with internet after I've fighted for it.
I'm planning to go back to Hong Kong during the long weekend. Hope that the flight ticket wouldnt be too expensive.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

So Sick!!

I felt sooooo sick yesterday. I think it's because of the dirty food I ate. I was wondering if I could fly to Beijing today. Thanks God. I got much much better this morning when I woke up. And now, I am ready for my Beijing trip.
Microsoft..Beijing..I'm coming!!